29th April, 2017
Yuthika Khanal, Grade : VIII
Our country Nepal was known as the country full of beautiful natural heritages, historical monuments and peace, but the earthquake of 7.9 Richter scale in 11:56 at for about 50 seconds on the date 12 Baisakh 2072 destroyed it all. Killing thousands of innocent people, destroying millions of houses and leaving our hospital full with dead corpses and injured people, earthquake had really made our life a living hell. Most of the people lost their relatives, their shelter, their everything. Earthquake left all the Nepalese heart shattered.
This was the second biggest disaster that hit Nepal after the earthquake of 1990. Then, Nepal was hit by an 8.4 Richter scale earthquake. But during this earthquake many people died due to poor construction of houses as well as poor awareness of safety measures. If the houses were built in proper techniques and if people were made aware about its consequences then surely the disaster would have minimized by its own.
I am not here to promote our school, but the building where we study, spend our whole day and learn something is totally safe. We are safe until we are here. But being safe in the school is not the only solution of the disaster, for the reduction of future disasters, every house, every schools and every building must be earthquake resistance so that no more innocent people would have to die. So, for this let’s join our hands together and let’s build a better nation. And also let’s urge our government to help us in this work to make everyone safe.
May all the departed souls who lost their lives that day, Rest in peace.
Information Officer | Mokshada School
Mr. Hari Sharan Khanal
Academic Director
Cell No. 9841832396
Email: hsk2028@gmail.com
Mokshada Nagar, Kumarigal, Kathmandu
Tel : 01 - 4114318/01 - 4114274 (School)
Email : schoolmokshada@gmail.com
28th June, 2021
भन्छन् भगवान् माटो, ढुङ्गा, मूर्ति, म खोज्न जाऊँ केमा, म देख्छु भगवान् तिम्रो शरीर मनमा, तिमी मेरी प्यारी आमा ।
28th June, 2021
So many times I hurt you, With cruel words I'd say, You know I didn't mean them, And you love me anyway.
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