
2080, the year to transform Mokshada herewith Academics, CCA and ECA

  14th April, 2023

Thanking the year 2079 and marching ahead with the year 2080 resemble the ecstasy of Mokshadians. The New Year 2080 merely remains the year of transforming the learning and teaching practice in multidisciplinary approaches. Soothing the academic excellence and incorporating various extra-curricular activities to shape the kids' cognitive ability remains the major schema this year.

From learning to the smart learning will be the focal concern to make the kids adopt with the global arena in academics. Integrating the subject matters in the classroom learning to the experiences that kids have in practical life are the issues that our team looks ahead to assimilate in pedagogy.

Pre-School, Primary wing and the Middle school with the Secondary level scholars will be acknowledged the field visit, reading culture, lab task, case assessment, home learning cum visit and project to boost up and enjoy the learning at school and at home too.

Since Mokhsada has been practicing the TUESDAY as the ECA day. The school offers the music, vocal, yoga, dance, handwriting, art and painting, quiz, extempore, basketball and cricket to have best outcome according to their interest and potential. Marking the 2080 the year of fusion with fantastic journey ahead to support the learning culture differently.